«You seem to hear something back from the silence!»

Fra Bono on Bono: Conversations with Michka Assayas:

We [my father and I] used to go down to the pub on Sundays and we would dring together. We drank whiskey, Irish whiskey, of course. Occasionally, he would ask a real question, meaning I had to give him a real answer. It was always about my belief in God: «There’s one thing I envy of you. I don’t envy anything else,» he said to me on time.

But think about it: I was singing, doing all the things he would have loved to have done, had a creative life. He said: «You do seem to have a relationship with God.» And I said: «Didn’t you ever have one?» He said: «No.» And I said: «But you have been a Catholic for most of your life.» — «Yeah, lots of people are Catholic. It was a one-way conversation… You seem to hear something back from the silence!» I said: «That’s true, I do.» And he said: «How do you feel it?»

I said: «I hear it in some sort of instinctive way, I feel a response to a prayer, or I feel led in a direction. Or if I’m studying the Scriptures, they become alive in an odd way, and they make sense to the moment I’m in, they’re no longer a historical document.» He was mind-blown by this.

Dette innlegget ble postet 16. juli 2007 kl. 21:01 og er kategorisert under Sitater. Du kan følge kommentarer til dette innlegget gjennom en nyhetsstrøm. Du kan legge til en kommentar, eller sende tilbaketråkk fra din egen blogg. Her har du en direktelenke.


  1. Silje Aarbakke sier:

    Wow, eg blir så glad for at det finnes menneske som han i rampelyset! For et forbilde.. Eg like han der! En sau for de bortkommne og de på hjemmebane.. Gudd!! Imponerende at han holde beinå på jorden te tross for berømmelsen, det e en ydmyk mann..

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