Donald Miller (min uthevelse). Fascinerende. Jeg aner en lignende trend her i Norge når det gjelder kristne og FrP. (2)I heard a wonderful lecture tonight by Dr. Laura Olson at Lutheran Theological Seminary about how the religious right targeted voters in 1980 and built up that demographic as a voting block by 1992. You’d think this stuff started in the 60’s, but as recently as 1980 most Christians were democrats.
Interestingly, most demographics have shifted from party to party over single generations, as political parties have attempted to reach out to those who are being neglected by the parties that once served them well.
EirikE sier:
8. oktober 2008, kl. 15:22
har du lest mail samtalen hans med obama?
Bjørnar sier:
8. oktober 2008, kl. 23:50
Haha! Fant den nå. Meget morsom. :)
Ref.: Donald and Barack Exchange E-mails